Do you know how to pronounce Lagavulin? Glenfiddich? Glenmorangie?
If you know those, you’re in pretty good shape. How about Bruichladdich? Caol Ila?
Now, visit this website and play all the names. They have an audio file for a lot of distilleries (many of the majors, most of the smaller ones too) in both .wav and .au, though some are only in .au file format.
How many did you get right? If you got the pronunciation right did you accent the right syllable? Glenmorangie is easy to say but I bet you accent the wrong syllable like I did. 🙂
Learn how to pronounce scotch whisky names from an expert.
I am sure I am butchering all the names of scotch. I would love to know how to say them all correctly Jim..Thanks!
This is the post to learn that from!
Hope your whisky journey is coming on strong Tim. This video has most of the common ones covered. It’s me in the video btw 😉
Thanks for saving me from embarrassment.